Tuesday, November 30, 2010





i like all three because they somewhat look the same to me.hurhur.but i think ragdoll's the easiest to find in sg.ever since pinky left ive been thinking bout keeping a ragdoll!!!!or anything close to it.as long as they're this cute, and fluffy, and doesnt have grumpy face like persians.although persians are cute.ok basically i want another bailey with fluff.weehoo!mommy's gonna kill meeeeeee!!

last option:
SCOTTISH FOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCKINFUCKINFUCKINFUCKINFUCKIN CUTE LAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. not fluffy but the face is enough to melt me lah ahdoyyyy...
aiyooooo want to squeeze onlyyyyyyyyy......


Monday, November 29, 2010

Byebye Pinky

just look at her... soooo cute when shes scared. then again she's really daring. she took bailey's toys(without permission) to play,used his litter box when i gave her her own,drank his water and ate his food from his bowls when she had her own too. lol! and when bailey gets mad at her doing all these she starts to cower and submit to him.like that. cute right!! damn i forgot to take a hissing shot of bailey. so fierce. nvm i have a video of him hissing at her. will upload it soon.

BOO! look at her blur cock face lol so cute.

and this was them the following night(pls pardon the messiness of my room). bailey would not have been this calm being so close to pinky given his attitude on the first day. they tried to play whole night long! it was sooooo cute to watch. we videoed it too. such a huge difference. bailey growled like almost every ten secs on the first night. growl like dog like that i tell u, and when u get close to him either us or Pinky, he'll hiss like snake. but from the second night onwards he didnt growl at all, hissed a few times only but most of the time he was trying to get close to pinky and when he didnt hiss, i realized he was trying to accept her and be friends with her! so happy!!! AND THEN SO SAD THAT MY CUZZIE CAME AND TOOK HER BACK ON THE THIRD DAY!no warning,sent me an sms so suddenly that she and her bf were outside my place and they're here to get Pinky.dang.long story. :( i was soooo happy that pinky and bailey got along and bailey seemed really happy having pinky around too.and i was almost ready to adopt her, me and bel were already thinking of new names for her.hai sad.

your commitment towards an animal shouldnt end just cos things dont work out in a relationship.gotta know that a pet's just like a kid.you cant dump ur kids just because ure divorced can you? i know there are fuckers who do that and i already said they are FUCKERS. its just not right lah. i hope they keep to their words and learn from this lesson and take good care of pinky.

he meowed so much yesterday, even when i was around he kept meowing and circling around my room. i am sure he was lookin for pinky. :(

i think he learned how to be more manja after having pinky over for a few days. shes really really manja. look at him! he sat on my tummy for a good almost half an hr. hes never done this before! lol. me likes! just sit there and let me sayang. and when he had enough of it he didnt bite! just stood up and jumped off the bed. heehee.


awww...don be sad...mommy love love...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good Morninggggggggggg Sundayyyyyyyy!!


okay, its abit late. my sunday's about to end. my weekend is over!! :((( Gonna do some housechores, paint my nails, play with bailey, watch some cartoons while i eat my boudoir sticks deeped in cream chese spread(damn shiok i tell you), and maybe dota at night with bel and the pros, then byebye sunday!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bailey has a new mate!! er......sort of..

Hello. Meet Pinky. This kitty was shared between my cousin Gillian and her bf. She was abandoned after her boyfriend decided to break up with her. My sis and her bumped into her bf's sister and that was how they found out that he had let the cat out, so both of them went around the neighbourhood to find her. she and her bf live in the same area so he kind of just dumped Pinky at a place where the cat feeders always go. But what the hell Pinky's such a tame/scaredy cat and definitely one who cannot fend for herself,unlike my monstrous Bailey. They found her at the void deck squeezed behind a water pipe shaking like hell cos she was just so damn scared and the weather was cold as fuck.Poor lil kitty!!!

And then of cos they called me.i bobian had to cancel my movie tickets to go and see the cat and as usual i got my lovely bel involved. we so wanted to go beat the guy up and we really did went up to his place but my dear cuzzie didnt warn us that her bf has been having mental breakdowns so he kind of stabbed himself after we scold the shit out of him. SCARY. UNEXPECTED. SO SORRY. FOR THE CAT BUT ALSO FOR HIM. SHIT. The boy's definitely emotionally unstable and when i spoke to him he seemed like he just want to curl up in a ball and disappear. His face was so sad i didnt really want to continue lecturing him after a short while. We didnt fuckin know he even tried to kill himself yesterday and we were all prepared and ready to kick his ass after we found out about the kitten. Damn sad. This boy needs serious help. We also kind of found out that hes been abused by his dad and ever since his mom died from cancer 2 yrs ago he has been under depression. And apparently his siblings dont give a fuck and he seems like the more emotional one. PLUS the dad abuses him. btw hes a malay mix chinese, e dad's a malay though. He just got hospitalized recently after he got beaten up by his dad. IT WAS THAT BAD. Geez life must be godamn tough for you dude. But sorry man, we had to tell u off for being irresponsible, cannot take it out on another life you know. sad.

Ok after stabbing incident i brought Pinky home. BTW that dude is ok,although not very sure what he was doing under the blanket in his sister's room but i think he is ok and we did msg him after tt to tell him not to do anything stupid. I HOPE HE LISTENS. And we really didnt mean to attack him like that when we didnt know his personality at all. Apparently my cuzzie never warn us beforehand -_-. So Bel came over to help and we bathed the cat and cleaned it and introduced her to my demon son. When i say DEMON i really mean it. MOTHER FUCKING FIERCE SHIT. He hissed at her so bad that he looks like a fucking demon. BATFACE. This poor lil girl was so scared her ears were cupped allllll the way back and she crouched sooooo low as if she was kow towing to Bailey. See her face so fuckin kelian but fuckin cute just want to sayang her kind. Really is Puss in Boots face cuter than Bailey's lor. And my fucking unfriendly son couldnt stop hissing. He really felt threatened by her because he's always been king so pampered so naughty and now someone comes along and decides to SHARE, can really see hes not at all giving. DAMN SELFISH LEI U BAILEY.

HE HATES ME NOW. CRIES. BAILEY HATES ME NOW. When my sis pat him he allowed her and when i wanted to pat him he hissed at me like how he hissed at Pinky. KAN SAD. He must have hated me for bringing her back. The whole freakin night Bailey just kept hissing at her and she was so scared till she lao sai-ed. Really DAMN POORTHING. Shes so fuckin gentle... She doesnt scratch or bite and she likes to cuddle. Super super super sweet and tame cat. Gonna leave them be for a few days and see if Bailey still reacts to her like that. If so im so gonna find someone new to take her. Mommy's flippin cos she thinks i shouldnt keep her AT ALL. MEHHHHH. Lol if they end up making friends with each other i'd definitely keep her. She can sure tame Bailey cos shes so sweet!! Its her first time in my place and shes already cuddling up to me in bed! Please dont say i ignored my own cat he freakin wouldnt even let me touch him, so didnt even bother try to carry him to my bed. He was so mother fuckin fierce to me. I want to cry sia. I really hope they can be friends. Lets give it a few days and we'll see how. Mom's so gonna kill me for this though, she cant wait to give it away. Argh, we'll see how. Pinky's really sweet and such a good girl. I want to keep her!!!


Gonna take mc and go home check on the cats later im so scared bailey might kill her. Argh. STRESS MAX.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


face mask tonight, facial tomorrow. CANT WAIT TO RID THOSE HIDEOUS LOOKING VOLCANIC PIMPLES. weehoo!! prepare to pocket pua kang liao! i want flawless skin!!!! cant wait to see the effects! seem to have worked well for zl and fs. hurhurhur... hope it works well for me too. my skin is kanalan! going sgh's sleep disorder clinic later for my follow up appointment with my psychiatrist. need to stock up my pills man. stress is back so its bestfriend insomnia's tagging along too. ji sian. hope i'll get to sing k tomorrow night! i need to de-stress!!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

