Monday, November 29, 2010

Byebye Pinky

just look at her... soooo cute when shes scared. then again she's really daring. she took bailey's toys(without permission) to play,used his litter box when i gave her her own,drank his water and ate his food from his bowls when she had her own too. lol! and when bailey gets mad at her doing all these she starts to cower and submit to that. cute right!! damn i forgot to take a hissing shot of bailey. so fierce. nvm i have a video of him hissing at her. will upload it soon.

BOO! look at her blur cock face lol so cute.

and this was them the following night(pls pardon the messiness of my room). bailey would not have been this calm being so close to pinky given his attitude on the first day. they tried to play whole night long! it was sooooo cute to watch. we videoed it too. such a huge difference. bailey growled like almost every ten secs on the first night. growl like dog like that i tell u, and when u get close to him either us or Pinky, he'll hiss like snake. but from the second night onwards he didnt growl at all, hissed a few times only but most of the time he was trying to get close to pinky and when he didnt hiss, i realized he was trying to accept her and be friends with her! so happy!!! AND THEN SO SAD THAT MY CUZZIE CAME AND TOOK HER BACK ON THE THIRD DAY!no warning,sent me an sms so suddenly that she and her bf were outside my place and they're here to get Pinky.dang.long story. :( i was soooo happy that pinky and bailey got along and bailey seemed really happy having pinky around too.and i was almost ready to adopt her, me and bel were already thinking of new names for her.hai sad.

your commitment towards an animal shouldnt end just cos things dont work out in a relationship.gotta know that a pet's just like a cant dump ur kids just because ure divorced can you? i know there are fuckers who do that and i already said they are FUCKERS. its just not right lah. i hope they keep to their words and learn from this lesson and take good care of pinky.

he meowed so much yesterday, even when i was around he kept meowing and circling around my room. i am sure he was lookin for pinky. :(

i think he learned how to be more manja after having pinky over for a few days. shes really really manja. look at him! he sat on my tummy for a good almost half an hr. hes never done this before! lol. me likes! just sit there and let me sayang. and when he had enough of it he didnt bite! just stood up and jumped off the bed. heehee.


awww...don be sad...mommy love love...

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