Monday, March 14, 2011

Rest In Peace


1997 - 2011

Left us peacefully on 13 Mar 2011, 4.30 pm.

We miss you dearly our sweet princess.

You will always be remembered.

We love you.


Milo's very sick. We sent him to the hospital last monday and his condition was very bad. It has since improved so we brought him back on friday, i guess coco was just waiting for him to come back before she decided to stop fighting against her own heart disease. She's been suffering from cardiac arrests over the past few months, and it got worse on sunday, but our greedy princess still wanted to be fed her last meal at 4pm... she decided to pass on right after that... :( my ah ma cried like hell.. it was so hard to watch.... now im just worried for milo, hes like a ticking time bomb, doc says he could leave anytime, at the most he's only got a few months to live. so heart wrenching :~( hes so damn skinny now, and he trembles all the time.. but you can tell that he's really fighting it, despite being in pain he still manage to force himself to walk around the heart sinks everytime i see him..he has to be force fed everyday.. his insides are rotting cos his kidneys can no longer function.. he's got ulcers lined all the way from his stomach to his mouth,fucking fucking painful.. that explains why he cant open his mouth to eat at all. fucking heart pain :( so much a small lil dog like him has to go through.. bahhh.... all we can do now is to give him his meds and injections and force feed him to sustain his life.... i guess we're all mentally prepared but i seriously hope a miracle happens.. i hope coco's having fun in heaven now, blessing milo and also giving him strength.

funny how true it is that what goes up, must come down. i was on cloud nine lately but im now suddenly at rock bottom, feeling depressed and lost over a couple of things, including milo's health deterioration and coco's death.. oh well.. at least im still blessed w fucking loving friends and family.. i really appreciate those who showed their concern..not forgetting my Teddy of course, hes such a sweetie. life's so short. so many lives are lost over the past few days. Its so sudden. we really got to live everyday like its our last. nobody knows whats gonna happen next.

Cherish and treat our loved ones right...

There's still time to change before everything's too late...

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