Friday, November 26, 2010

Bailey has a new mate!! er......sort of..

Hello. Meet Pinky. This kitty was shared between my cousin Gillian and her bf. She was abandoned after her boyfriend decided to break up with her. My sis and her bumped into her bf's sister and that was how they found out that he had let the cat out, so both of them went around the neighbourhood to find her. she and her bf live in the same area so he kind of just dumped Pinky at a place where the cat feeders always go. But what the hell Pinky's such a tame/scaredy cat and definitely one who cannot fend for herself,unlike my monstrous Bailey. They found her at the void deck squeezed behind a water pipe shaking like hell cos she was just so damn scared and the weather was cold as fuck.Poor lil kitty!!!

And then of cos they called me.i bobian had to cancel my movie tickets to go and see the cat and as usual i got my lovely bel involved. we so wanted to go beat the guy up and we really did went up to his place but my dear cuzzie didnt warn us that her bf has been having mental breakdowns so he kind of stabbed himself after we scold the shit out of him. SCARY. UNEXPECTED. SO SORRY. FOR THE CAT BUT ALSO FOR HIM. SHIT. The boy's definitely emotionally unstable and when i spoke to him he seemed like he just want to curl up in a ball and disappear. His face was so sad i didnt really want to continue lecturing him after a short while. We didnt fuckin know he even tried to kill himself yesterday and we were all prepared and ready to kick his ass after we found out about the kitten. Damn sad. This boy needs serious help. We also kind of found out that hes been abused by his dad and ever since his mom died from cancer 2 yrs ago he has been under depression. And apparently his siblings dont give a fuck and he seems like the more emotional one. PLUS the dad abuses him. btw hes a malay mix chinese, e dad's a malay though. He just got hospitalized recently after he got beaten up by his dad. IT WAS THAT BAD. Geez life must be godamn tough for you dude. But sorry man, we had to tell u off for being irresponsible, cannot take it out on another life you know. sad.

Ok after stabbing incident i brought Pinky home. BTW that dude is ok,although not very sure what he was doing under the blanket in his sister's room but i think he is ok and we did msg him after tt to tell him not to do anything stupid. I HOPE HE LISTENS. And we really didnt mean to attack him like that when we didnt know his personality at all. Apparently my cuzzie never warn us beforehand -_-. So Bel came over to help and we bathed the cat and cleaned it and introduced her to my demon son. When i say DEMON i really mean it. MOTHER FUCKING FIERCE SHIT. He hissed at her so bad that he looks like a fucking demon. BATFACE. This poor lil girl was so scared her ears were cupped allllll the way back and she crouched sooooo low as if she was kow towing to Bailey. See her face so fuckin kelian but fuckin cute just want to sayang her kind. Really is Puss in Boots face cuter than Bailey's lor. And my fucking unfriendly son couldnt stop hissing. He really felt threatened by her because he's always been king so pampered so naughty and now someone comes along and decides to SHARE, can really see hes not at all giving. DAMN SELFISH LEI U BAILEY.

HE HATES ME NOW. CRIES. BAILEY HATES ME NOW. When my sis pat him he allowed her and when i wanted to pat him he hissed at me like how he hissed at Pinky. KAN SAD. He must have hated me for bringing her back. The whole freakin night Bailey just kept hissing at her and she was so scared till she lao sai-ed. Really DAMN POORTHING. Shes so fuckin gentle... She doesnt scratch or bite and she likes to cuddle. Super super super sweet and tame cat. Gonna leave them be for a few days and see if Bailey still reacts to her like that. If so im so gonna find someone new to take her. Mommy's flippin cos she thinks i shouldnt keep her AT ALL. MEHHHHH. Lol if they end up making friends with each other i'd definitely keep her. She can sure tame Bailey cos shes so sweet!! Its her first time in my place and shes already cuddling up to me in bed! Please dont say i ignored my own cat he freakin wouldnt even let me touch him, so didnt even bother try to carry him to my bed. He was so mother fuckin fierce to me. I want to cry sia. I really hope they can be friends. Lets give it a few days and we'll see how. Mom's so gonna kill me for this though, she cant wait to give it away. Argh, we'll see how. Pinky's really sweet and such a good girl. I want to keep her!!!


Gonna take mc and go home check on the cats later im so scared bailey might kill her. Argh. STRESS MAX.


Unknown said...

send pinky to canada leh!! u think can?? how much u think huh??

llizzieputian said...

hahaha expensive!! im gonna give them a few days see if bailey becomes less aggressive i might keep her!! then next time when u come can play with her alr..she is super super cute!doesnt bite or scratch at all..

Unknown said...

I see her eyes i wanna melt!!! like love at first sight with her! i love black cats with white paws!!! rename the cat Salem!!! after sabrina the teenage witch's cat! or name her minion!! hee hee.. thats going to be my cat's name! whenever i buy a new cat. Let me know if you're keeping her or not! then i can go check out shipping rates. hohoho. so sweet lah sheeee...

and the guy stab himself but okay ah? omg!

llizzieputian said...

Salem? walau! so malay! guess what, bailey and pinky are friends already and were playing w each other so happily. just when this happens, my cousin came w her bf and want her back already. SAD. hes ok, he only stabbed his arm.