Tuesday, February 8, 2011


祝大家新年快了,万事如意,年年有余,身体健康,心想事成,HUAT CAI TIO BAN LI!!!!!

ive been very very very busy! which is a good thing. but am freaking broke now lol. but whatever, life's still good. YAY!!! though I lost money during ban luck, ji sian.. wahaha.. and im finally back at work, after 6 days of holiday. was banned to come to the office yday cos im a tiger, the feng shui master adviced those born in the year of tiger and rabbit and something else not to come, so weeheee!! ive got one free paid leave.

CNY was as usual; visited the same bunch of people on the first and second day, played ban luck, invited some close friends over, watched black swan and all's well ends well (fucking nice movies especially black swan), ran errands with bellas almost every other day cos we're like fucking aunties, ate fucking alot of cny goodies - my throat's hurting like a biatch now, dyed bella's hair (failed), went yanxi's and bella's place to bainian (my first time), blah blah blah did so many things in a week!

check out bella's baby cuzzie daniella. shes the cutest baby i swear. shes so fucking smart!! she'll snort when u say "what does the pig say?". she can mimic alot of other animals la.. and she recognizes most colors and shapes. bahhhhhh shes so bloody cute i wanna kidnap her. shes got super pretty eyes and extremely bushy brows!! fuckingggggggggggggggggg adorableeeee
she'll kiss your cheek everytime u ask her to ahhhhhh so cute so cute
look at how she sucks her thumb. aiyoooooo


ok hope everyone's enjoying their chinese new year. HUAT AH!!!!

i seriously have no mood to work at all pfft.

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