Friday, February 18, 2011

stress and in painnnnnnnnnnnn


i burned three fucking nights doing up my colleague's wedding church booklet and placecards. looked at my illustrator until cock eyed cos his text was in a mess had to do so much adjustments and realignments to em and i only managed to finish everything at 3am last night. and guess what. this morning he came to me and told me his in-laws insisted the booklet and placecards to be of the same style as their wedding invitation card. FUCK MY LIFE. i wasnt given any invitation card only the theme "blush n berries" which was purple and pink so i did the usual flowery stuff. and what he showed me today were just simple purple lines on the invitate and the font was completely different. so bottomline is ive got to REDO EVERY MOTHER FUCKING THING. MARVELLOUS. WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!



and im cramping like fuck today.

what a friday. my weekend's fucked.


can i cry.


there goes my effort......

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