Saturday, January 29, 2011


me and cheebs assembled this console tgt..hehe..finally put everything in order last night, and tv's installed woohooo!!! now i can play my PS3 IN BED. shiokness.

removed the computer table beside my bed and replaced it with a new shelf, also from ikea! now ive to buy some more boxes to put my barang barang and to store all my lasalle shitwork. hehehe. weeeee. my room looks so spacious now!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Thursday, January 27, 2011


went ikea shopping w my cheebs last night. bought a tv console, a shelf, and some barang barang. the tv console was huge, we had to disassemble everything so it'll fit into the car.we looked like two siao char bohs at ikea hahaha had no guys to help :( but nevermind we're both superwomen. by the time we got home it was already 11+. we dont know where we got all the energy from to actually fix everything up and even had the strength to carry furniture up and down the stairs. geez. it was so fun fixing up the stuffs though. but damn tiring. my fingers feel so sore now from all the hammering and screwing and carrying of planks. muscles all aching. cheebs actually hammered her own finger by accident. poorthing. nonetheless the night was fulfilling man. my room looks so spacious now!!!! cant wait to install the tv and ps3. hurhurhur. woooooooooo!!!! gotta go back to ikea to get more furniture,imma rid all the old stuff!!! would love to get a new wardrobe cos mine's bursting already. bailey drives me crazy when he jumps into my cupboard cos he loves sleepin in there. and my clothes get toppled because of that. fucking crazy. this week is so fuckin busy but also damn fulfilling!!! loving it!!

:D :D :D :D

damn shag. only slept for 2 hrs plus after all the hard work. really gotta thank bellas for her help bet shes as zombiefied as me now. i only sent her home at 3+. i slept at 5 fml. wahaha. gonna get my haircut later!! woooooooo!!!

check out destroyer bailey teo's mess. i seriously need more wardrobe space argh.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fish Farm Beagles Rescued!

Drama night.

Drove so much last night. Me and Bellas met up with Derek, one of Desmond's (yes our desmond from zhss) schoolmate, at gardens and drove up to NTU to pick Des and Keith (Jordan's cousin who's desmond's classmate/roomate) to go to lim chu kang. Yea SG's really small everybody knows everybody haha. Des and Keith visited a fishfarm at lim chu kang on mon evening and happen to pass by an enclosure that was surrounded with freaking barbed wires (army boys call it constantine wires), it was fucking horrible ive never seen barbed wires like that they looked like razor blades. And guess what. TWO FUCKING BEAGLES WERE IN THERE. Keith took a picture of the place with the beagle in there and after me and bel saw his post we decided to check the place out last night. It was a fishfarm located beside the muslim cemetery. eerie to be driving ard that area in the night wahha.

We got there and saw the enclosure. The condition was so fuckin horrible. SO FUCKING SAD LAH!!!!! Though the beagles seemed healthy but they were walking through freaking sharp razor blades!!!!! MADNESS. I tried to touch the blades they were so fucking sharp. So yup, we were loitering around the area and checked the place out and found that there were MORE DOGS in there. fucked up. we called Acres, the dog society, SPCA, and NONE OF THEM SAID THEY COULD HELP. Two of my friends who were at home were already preparing tools like saw and shit and were gonna head down to find us already. We were really thinking of breaking in but didnt have the tools so they wanted to help. We thought the fish farm was closed, but we saw a house beside the enclosure and thought they were their neighbours so we called the lady out and asked if she knew who owned the dogs. walas. SHE WAS THE OWNER. chaocheebye.

I was so mother fucking pissed when i realized she was the owner. We started explaining to her that the condition that the beagles were in was atrocious, and they might get injured from walking through barbed wires. She insisted they were fine and they were used to the enclosure already. FUCK HER. And she just kept insisting theres no problem and we should just mind our own business because its her dogs. MOTHER FUCKING PISSED. i really didnt have the patience to talk to her. Bel was calm and she told me to use soft approach. FAIL. I couldnt do it. Her excuses were so fucked up. So i started to threaten her and told her if we report the condition of this place to the authorities her dogs will be confiscated. Mother fucking pek chek with her. but bel kept telling me not to spite her, in case she calls the police because we were all standing in her property. Also, i guess bel didnt really wanna argue with her cos she couldnt speak mandarin. wahahha. but FUCK. I so wanted to fuck her up. I didnt but my attitude was fucking bad and hostile. CANNOT TAKE IT SIA. The aunty got so pek chek she told me she aint the one caring the dogs, but this is her fish farm. so she gave me her niece's number and told me shes the one who cares for the dogs. I took the number and called for cheebye goldfish angeline. I'll explain why im calling her that later.

FUCKING CHEEBYE BITCH I TELL YOU. I asked the bitch if the dogs were hers. she asked me yes what is it about. so i explained to her that her beagles werent living in good condition, in fact i think they were IN DANGER. I lost my patience talking to her cos she was so defensive and kept telling me she's also a dog lover (PUI X INFINITY DOG LOVER KI LAN), and shes helped spayed stray dogs and sent dogs to noah's ark before yada yada yada so i shouldnt be doubting her ways of caring for her dogs. PUI YOUR CHEEBYE. I dont know why but i got so angry over the phone i just kept using the word "fuck". i told her the barbed wires are so FUCKING sharp and its so FUCKING dangerous and blah. and she asked me "excuse me miss? so are u threatening me now and using vulgarities on me now?". YES U SMELLY CHEEBYE I AM. She asked me where im from i told her im from singapore lah. she asked me if i was from any organization and if im not im not authorized to be standing in their property and disturbing her auntie at 10pm when their fish farm is already closed. FUCK YOU. while i was arguing with her over the phone bel got a phonecall from SPCA telling her that they'd dispatch a guy down to see, apparently she lied to them that the beagles got hooked by the blades and were trapped hahahahahaha, thats why they got worried. Because initially they told bel "we only send our guys out to help injured or dead animals", so bel had to lie even though we didnt really know if the beagles were injured.

Fucking cheebye goldfish bitch aka Angel-(more like DEMON)line got so pissed with me over the phone she said she'd come down immediately. LAI LA. wahahha. and so we waited. she came first, and she was so fuckin obnoxious and her fugly bf(his hair machiam xie xian) drove their ugly merce so close to us that it almost hit me. SIBEI GUAI LAN. we were standing at their gate which was near the enclosure all the way. fucking funny. the auntie tried to chase us out of the fish farm by closing in the main gates. and bel just stood in the middle so she couldnt shut it. fucking guai lan but i like. HAHAHAHAHA. and best. the fuckin auntie got so pissed with us that we didnt want to leave their property she even called us "贼".lao lan. called us thieves!!!!! who wants to steal your fish sia? siao. and even said we had nothing better to do go and disturb other ppl so late at night. said we talk very "嚣张" blah blah blah, threaten to call police all. Jordan came down after his class and he also got worked up and told her if she wanted to call police go ahead, we've called SPCA anyways, see who wins the case lor. Dog abuser or trespassers. In the end the fuckers also didnt call police. bet they were guilty for keeping the dogs in that kind of condition.

cheebye angeline. her eyes were so huge and popped out she looked like a monster. sibei fucking guai lan. fucking felt like punching her fucking face.
MONSTER. shouldve taken a picture of her man. skanky ugly looking biatch.

fucking funny. after angeline got there, she told me actually the dogs were her friends'. so she called the owners down. from the auntie to angeline to two fuckin faggots. my god. they're guilty of it but they just wanted to be defensive. by the time the guy from spca came down the whole gate area was full of people. 6 from us, 6 from em. and those fuckers couldnt stop insulting us say we got nth better to do we intrude their place yada yada we jia liao bi blah blah. nb wanna slap them sia. but who gives a shit we were only there for the dogs. the spca guy went in and checked the enclosure. bet he was shocked. he touched the wires he said it was very dangerous for the dogs. please leh, army boys say in army these razor sharp blades can cut through their thick jackets and they had to wear special gloves while leopard crawling through them one leh. IMAGINE THOSE BEAGLES WALKED IN AND OUT OF THOSE WIRES IN ONLY THEIR FUR. wakao not pain then what? brainless mother fuckers. and the funniest thing was the fucking owners kept saying they werent torturing their dogs, theyre expensive and PURE BRED, and they're HUNTING DOGS, GOOD AT MANEUVERING AROUND THE WIRES, USED TO IT. SIMI LAN JIAO. FUCKING BULLSHIT. they think they commando trained dogs or what. fucking retards. kaoz thinking back bout what they said really pisses me off man. brainless fucktards. fucking tiring, we stood outside the fish farm for 4 freaking hours. arguing and waiting for spca to come. madness.

Now pictures!!! Our friend prepared everything brought his DSLR all to take evidences. these pictures were sent to SPCA for further investigation.

look at the poor lil thing! leaning his face ON THE FUCKING RAZOR SHARP BLADES.GOSH.
and he looked soooo sad. and worse, i think he was debarked. he tried to bark and no sound came out he sounded like he was wheezing. knnnn...

commando training facility



fucking poorthing!!!!



check out the sharp blades


ok thats all..

GUYS PLS BOYCOTT FISCO FISHFARM AT MURAI FARMWAY LIM CHU KANG PLSSSSS. I HOPE THEY BECOME BANKRUPT FUCKING LANJIAO LANGS YAYA PAPAYA. that fucking cheebye uglydemonline crossed her arm and gave me her fuckin goldfish guai lan look when we said good bye to the guy from spca. she said "BYE!" fucking sarcastically. wah knn nabei feel like stabbing her or just ram her down with my car.

ok enough of rambling. im just glad the dogs were saved. spca's gonna send their inspectors to the fish farm to save the other two dogs that were in there. not beagles though, mongrels i think. poor doggies :( i hope the beagles have found a better foster home. fuckin bitch said shes a dog lover she helps foster dogs. ya right in her commando training facility. bullshit. hope your eyes pop out and ur cb eaten by maggots.

fucking tiring. drove our friend back to his place at marine parade, then hougang then back to my place. it was already 2am. shag max... but its been a fruitful night. we saved the beagles! weeheee!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

so many things so little time!

ive cleared most of the rubbish in my room, now im only left with shopping at ikea.. cant wait to revamp!!! wooooots!!!! left with only bout a week more to cny. i havent done any shopping. sucks. ive got to do my nails, go for a wax and cut my hair!!!!busy busy busy and my weight dropped again FML. 33kg my god madness. thats like my pri sch weight. i look like a child now with chao lao face. wahahahaha. I GOT EAT. i swear. and ive been feasting. damn. dunno where all the food went to. my psychiatrist advised me to drink anlene day and night because hes worried i may be suffering from osteoporosis. fml again. i feel like an ah ma. who drinks anlene at 24?!?!?!? bahhh anyhow, life's been good, ive been happy! :))))) so many errands to run this week but im liking! wee!

Monday, January 17, 2011

new life begins!

spring cleaned my room yesterday. ive got so much rubbish. now its all gone!

buried the old... welcoming the new!!

next is to shop for furniture. weeee! i love ikea shopping!!

gonna be so damn broke shites..

Sunday, January 16, 2011


last night was horror. i blacked out AGAIN. this time at st james powerhouse. FML MAX. decided to accompany my darling huiyun to club, although im not a fan of clubbing these days especially when its powerhouse where most mats and bengs hang out, and also i feel so fucking old going clubbing. wahaha. but anything for my darling! we squeezed in to the middle of the dance floor and within 15 minutes i felt my lungs failing and i was already grasping for air. yes, right in the middle of the dance floor. wahaha. i squatted down right away cos i know i was gonna pass out. and before you think i might have drank too much and was on an empty stomach ure wrong. i met them for dinner before heading to st james and i drank only ONE pathetic glass of vodka sprite over 3 freaking hours. no other drinks after that. i didnt feel any alcohol at all. i drank merely to quench my thirst. argh. so yep, i was squatting BUT my vision was still okay, then the rest insisted i leave the dance floor for some air, so i decided to stand up. HORRORRRRRRRRRRRR......i stood up and decided to push my way through the crowd, and while i was doing so my vision blurred and became whitish, i knew i was gonna pass out anytime cos it felt exactly like the past two times. i was so fucking gunchiong i just kept pushing my way through while huiyun and yanxi grabbed me by my shoulders. blind girl trying to lead the way and the two darlings so poorthing so hard for them to catch up and help open a path for me. i was so lost!!! i seriously couldnt hear what they were saying but yanxi's piercing voice actually woke my ears lol!! she was screaming at everyone "EXCUSE ME PLEASE EXCUSE ME!!!!" halfway my vision completely turned pitch black. FUCKING SCARY. it was pitch black omg. i couldnt see or hear anything vision wasnt even blur it was just black. i just kept thinking OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE. funny how i was still pushing my way through when i couldnt see shit. my legs finally gave way when i reached a platform. wahahah. first i banged my face into someone, no idea which part but i just buried my face in someone the next thing i know i was lying on the ground. boooooooooo......... elise is down. WAHAHAH. and my poor darling huiyun!!! she tried to grab me but ended falling down herself, and her legs were cut. i feel so badddddddddddddddddddddd......... at that point of time i seriously dont know what the fuck was going on, i didnt even know she fell. i only know i was on the ground and i kept telling myself to breatheeeeeeeeeee...I DONT WANNT DIE IN POWERHOUSE DAMN IT...i believe the two of them carried me up and there were onlookers who asked if we needed help but yanxi just told them to go away and not to touch me. thanks for being protective!! the next thing i know i was on a staircase, and the crowd was still there, fml cos i believe everyone thought i was drunk as hell. wahahha. huiyun was so sweet she kept massaging me and kept talking to me, but i just couldnt move or speak and i didnt want to cos it made me feel sick. i sat there trying to catch my breath back and finally gained back my consciousness. when i opened my eyes i realize i was near the entrance of the toilet, where there was a long queue. kaoz. damn pai seh. when the girls realized i was awake we made our way through to the exit and found a place to sit that has AIRRRRRRR....... and i dont know why my stomach hurt soooooooooo bad.... as if i was having cramps but i wasnt having my period. i was in pain and dizzy. argh worst feeling ever. but it subsided after a while. i was completely okay after that. they said my face turned white and i was in cold sweat. hahah funny how after i drank half a glass of vodka my face turned lobster red but right after i entered the dance floor i became white as ghost- NO MORE CROWDED DANCING FOR ME!!! i was back to normal after i rested and we decided to go dragonfly and watch some performances. wahahaha. damn beng. but the air there's so much better. we returned to powerhouse but decided not to squeeze in with the crowd,in case i hyperventilate again. so we just stayed by the side. the rest of the night went well and boy does huiyun know how to have fun. wahahaha. crouching tiger hidden dragon man. i feel sooooooooo old damn it. i think im dying, seriously. ive been eating AS NORMAL. i just weighed myself after lunch today. 34. last week was just 34.5. MADNESS. everyone thinks i need to go for check up. after all the fainting and lost of weight. fuck man. im scared. :(

Friday, January 14, 2011

go grey!

acrylic nail polish that lasts for 3 weeks, shine that lasts the same and its so strong that it'll not come off even if you do housechores daily or scratch it. i paid 20 bucks for this! express. trial price. CHEAP AND AMAZING. BUT. the salon's owned by an ah tiong :( the way she applied the nail polish machiam gunchiong spider, and quite slip shot. ARGH. i should recommend this product to ping who works at gardens, shes the best man cos shes chio and sweet and super detailed.


i wore grey jeans today hence the color choice! heh

THE FIRE TIGER 1926 AND 1986 (my birthdate's 1986 in the chinese calendar)

Eccentric and dramatic, Fire Tigers are aglow with passion and verve. They are outgoing, expressive and look on the bright side of things. They have the Tiger’s natural ability to lead others and are able to excite others simply with their own gift of enthusiasm. They can be funny and have great senses of humor. Tigers are powerful speakers and have the ability to command and persuade crowds through speech. Their own seemingly endless supply of energy can make them appear a bit dramatic, and it may make them more sensitive to cautious or down-to-earth approaches in others.






Race Car Drivers




Flight Attendants

Travel Agents

Advertising Agents

Office Managers


Suitable Gifts: Exotic cookbooks, travel guides, sports gear, mystery or crime novel, extreme sport lessons

Hobbies and Pastimes: Amateur theater, extreme sports, loud parties, intriguing vacations

Tigers Dislike: Not getting enough recognition for their efforts. Being inferior to others at work, impolite people


As friends, Tigers are exceptionally warm and incredibly generous with their time, attention and money. Friends are always welcome in a Tiger’s home and will most often be greeted with a cup of coffee, an ear, a tissue, an open mind and an open wallet. Few friends could be as caring and affectionate, as quirky and surprising, or as genuinely interested as the Tiger.

Compatible Friends

Best Friends: Horses and Dogs (My mommy daddy and sis!)

Mortal Enemy: Monkeys


Tigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown.

Tigers love excitement and need someone who can keep up with all they want to do and see. His partner must also be able to stand the mood swings, the ups and downs, the good with the bad. Chinese horoscopes are very specific about which partnerships have the potential to be successful in love and in business. Yet, though destiny can point us ion the right direction, we must still make all efforts to maintain loving relationships. Following is a brief description of how a Tiger will affect a relationship with other Animal signs.


Tiger + Rat

Lots of friendship, but many temper tantrums will blur the good times.

Tiger + Ox

This is one of the worst possible pairings…that’s probably why you are so drawn to each other.

Tiger + Tiger

You are both so dominant and creative you are bound to ignite each other’s curiosity.

Tiger + Rabbit

This is another good match.

Tiger + Dragon

A brave combination plenty of fire to keep you interested.

Tiger + Snake

You are on completely different paths that aren’t worth crossing.

Tiger + Horse

You are destined for an exciting life together.

Tiger + Sheep

Not enough openness to try to keep it together.

Tiger + Monkey

You’ll aggravate each other to death!

Tiger + Rooster

Little communication causes big issues.

Tiger + Dog

You are a winning combination…admiration and respect fuel this partnership.

Tiger + Pig

Humor and friendship make this partnership a success!

Love Partners at a Glance

Tigers with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility

Rat value each other’s opinions **

Ox striking tantrums *

Tiger too much mind changing **

Rabbit differences are similar ***

Dragon a great partnership ***

Snake don’t go for it *

Horse good match ****

Sheep marriage won’t work **

Monkey pretty frustrating *

Rooster make a decision or leave **

Dog stable and affectionate ****

Pig humor keeps you together ****


*dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

18th Birthday 2011

Blessed :)

Bday Eve - Dinner @ my place

my girls :) jordan included hahahah.

one busy eating another one busy ji siao-ing(as usual) one busy taking photo. 很忙啊.

nom nom nom

went supermarket shopping with grace and bella in the afternoon, prepared all the food ourselves and we made my signature potato salad together! thanks for helping me mash the eggs kj! HAHAHAHAHA. that woman sliced off her nail while shaving apples -.- she had to stop so we asked her to mash eggs instead. u did well! hahaha. her face fucking serious while mashing the eggs sia.

whats the secret to lovely hair like mine? use TING TING'S 洗发剂,包你满意.

717 durian cake shiok max!

trophy photo. BEST. LOVE IT. mommy damn on.

sweetest cousin in the world :)

My Sweet 16 Gang.


kj said its a 1000 dollar voucher. thanks ah. lol!

my bro bought this giant card and made everyone sign it..awwwwww so sweet so sweet i love u bro!!!

everyone including my family wrote. ~melts

bought the girls old school friendship bands from phuket!

and i present to you.....
The Best of Bella

lanjiao bin ver. 1.1

ljb ver. 1.2 cb la this one really........... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA CB LA U........ still cute okay.

ljb ver. 1.3

ljb ver. 1.4

Bday - Dinner @ Tung Lok's Noble House. Celebrated my Popo's Advance 80th Birthday.

shou tao for my 24 da shou! hehehe

the cake from e-creative lol. 祝您长命百岁!

muacks! my aunt was soooo sweet! i didnt know i had my own cake, she surprised me with her home baked choc fudge cake!!! it was damn shiok!!!

Family :)

On the 3rd - Dinner @ Kuishin Bo

dark choc cake and macarons. MY FAVOURITE.


mini kitty book for me! too cute!

buffet damn shiok pressies also damn shiok!!! thanks for fulfilling so many things on my wishlist guys!

On the 6th - Our Belated Birthday Dinner. Ros has the same birthdate as me! But shes born in 1991. @ Ministry of Steak; THEY SERVE THE WORST FOOD. PLS DONT GO THERE. And their service is -_-

Happy Birthday to US!!!!

I love you both :)

had the worst baked fished with herbs

To: Everyone who's involved and has come for my birthday,


go to my fb for more pictures!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

what is love?

disgusted and disappointed. but not surprised. most people become more mature as they grow older. but some are reversed. i hope all my girlfriends will never meet guys who disrespect women like that; teach their friends how to treat women like objects, have extreme high self esteems and think that the whole world's gaga over them because they're cool and mighty and have that bit of stinking money and stinking fame. not cool for me. im sorry but i lose respect for people like that. its kinda off. i wouldnt say i hate them; hate is too strong a word, i'll only use them on u-know-whos. because other than being disrespectful to women they could be a good son or friend. i have less respect for them, not hate. if the guy's not even a good son or friend, or even worse- torture animals, like seriously, he's the worst a person can be. gee, i think i already know one.

well, some people can choose to be edison chen (most of them are not as cute of course); they think theyre so damn hot and they can get any/all the girls they want, or, be tony leung; mother fucking rich and famous, not as good looking, but so successful that if he had wanted to be like edison chen he could do it ten times worse, but he is so respected and loved by everyone cos he went through thick and thin with his then gf(now wife), even after she got raped and everything. twenty years hes never left her and was her pillar, and because of his unconditional love she recovered and became a stronger person. this kind of man is every girl's dream. money and fame couldve tempted him in all ways to leave his girlfriend because twenty years is a fucking long time and i believe being in this industry there are so many girls who'd wanna get fucked by him, but he chose to give his world to that one and only love. i know very well that most girls choose to be skeptical about a guy's commitment (cos theyve been betrayed and hurt before), but i believe as long as theres ONE guy like that there could be MANY more out there. and there are really couples who stick to each other through thick and thin till death do them part. you read from news, you get to know them through your grandparents, your parents, your friends' grandparents, bottomline is they do exist!! its so sweet seeing old couples holding hands, makes me want to cry.

i believe when two persons give their hearts completely to each other, and is contented to wake up to see that person and smile from their hearts for the rest of their lives every morning, no matter what shit comes along they know they have each other to cling on for support and would keep trying to find solutions together to resolve everything. nothing is perfect. but when theres faith and love, everything gradually works out on its own. couples fight and hurt each other unintentionally everyday, but if you really love your partner, u'd keep wanting to be a better person for him/her. but also we have to understand that no one can be perfect. we just got to keep appreciating that person's efforts of trying to be perfect.

yes, i may sound like a hopeless romantic or u may think ive watched/read too many romantic movies(like rapunzel lol) and novels. but seriously some of the scripts or contents of a book come from true life experiences. they are not entirely fairytales. i may be hurt and betrayed many times but that doesnt really stop me from believing in my "fairytales". i'll just have to wait for the right person (who also believes in "fairytale-like love") to come along. if i dont ever, then too bad, im not that lucky. but i'd think im already lucky enough(right now) to be TRULY LOVED by some friends and of course my family. meeting your true love is a "plus", not a "need" i feel. i'll be the luckiest girl alive if he ever comes along.

i am farrrrrr from perfect for a guy, but if the right guy comes along i believe he'll be tolerant with my flaws and seeing his tolerance will definitely make me change and want to be a better person for him. everything takes two hands to clap. just dont ever give up on what you believe in. i actually have faith in a few people that i know. not trying to put my hopes up high, but everyone makes mistakes; some people learn from them and they choose to never ever repeat their mistakes. some will just stick to their edison chen kind of mindset and move on to hurt another girl who believes in commitment. for this kind of a lover, drama never ends. oh well. all of us have different perceptions of love, we just have to find a partner who has the same perception, then he/she's definitely the right one for you.

expect less and you'll gain more. expect less and you'll be rewarded with more surprises in life. this's what ive learnt so far. just hope i wont ever meet an edison chen in tony leung's disguise. its just scary. but you can never predict the kind of people who may enter your life. then again life is all about risks. and so is love. u invest in something, theres no guarantee that you'll gain anything from it. but if you dont ever invest in anything, you'll never know if youve actually missed out the best deal in life.

be true to yourself. be honest with who you are.

some people are happy with their edison chen lives, good for them... commitment just isnt the thing for them then, find someone who behaves the same, and if you realized shes the committed type, please leave her for god's sake unless you decide you want to be a tony leung(which youve got to stick to it,and no more turning back to edison chen). otherwise drama liao liao. anyways, after all that ive learnt about edison, although i still think hes cute but i really think hes one hell of a disgusting scumbag. some men think hes the coolest dude, i lose respect for them because of that. some men think hes a douchebag, yes lah, i like that kind of respect these men have for girls, seriously.

i hope all my girls are happy with their boyfriends now. the girls i know are mostly good girls and i'd wish the ones they're with now are the right ones for them. again, i wont put my hopes up too high too soon, i just hope that everyone'll do their part in trying to be the best. cheating is common, but i'll forever stand by my belief. i wont ever lie about my feelings, i wont ever cheat of someone's love, steal someone's heart and crush it with lies and betrayals. or even do it just to take revenge. nononono. i dont ever want to feel guilty for things like that. it is something that we'll have to carry into our graves. not very nice. seriously cant live with that. but some people can. i dont know how but they just can. oh well. good luck everyone. life still goes on no matter what happens. may god bless all the faithful lovers and help change all the unfaithful ones who wants to be changed. k lah, bless those who never want to change too but are good sons and friends to other people, hope they dont get STDs.

ok, i know ive typed ALOT and no one's gonna read everything. i am very loh soh. bottom line (again) is, i just wish everyone around me to be happy. those who deserve to be happy i really want and wish them to be happy. i know i havent really been that happy myself lately for the past year but i know i can and i will and im actually quite happy now! not a 100% because life can never be perfect but right now its erm, 70? still an A2. :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Reminder #101

Be prepared for people's 360° change of attitude towards you when you know you're no longer of any use to them.

Suck it in, laugh it off, and stay away. Don't want to feel bitter. Don't want to dwell. Then again im only Human to be feeling this way.

Resolution Reminder - Be more accepting and tolerant. Be positive. Be happy.

On a side note:
wooooooootsssssss!! Chinese New Year's in one month's time! Time to clean my room, clear my stuff, get my tv installed, go for facial and do some shopping!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

24 hrs later........






brand new

i went NEX yday to get bailey's bday cake. wasnt even planning to cut my hair off yday lah. i passed by a few salons and randomly walked into one and told the girl i want my hair chopped off. IMPULSIVE. i didnt even know if she was good but heck la my mood was damn bad i just wanted to do something drastic. LOL.




i think at least half a metre was chopped off.
feels sooooooo much lighter now.

one colleague says i look MORE MATURE and the other says i look younger. walau. i want to look younger one lei. i think i want to cut it even shorter. hurhurhur. my face too chao lao alr i wanna look young young young!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lesson #101


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us :)


Time really flies. Bailey has turned 2 this year!!! And he's still getting bigger day by day. Hahaha. So cute. I hope he'll become Garfield's size one day.