Thursday, January 27, 2011


went ikea shopping w my cheebs last night. bought a tv console, a shelf, and some barang barang. the tv console was huge, we had to disassemble everything so it'll fit into the car.we looked like two siao char bohs at ikea hahaha had no guys to help :( but nevermind we're both superwomen. by the time we got home it was already 11+. we dont know where we got all the energy from to actually fix everything up and even had the strength to carry furniture up and down the stairs. geez. it was so fun fixing up the stuffs though. but damn tiring. my fingers feel so sore now from all the hammering and screwing and carrying of planks. muscles all aching. cheebs actually hammered her own finger by accident. poorthing. nonetheless the night was fulfilling man. my room looks so spacious now!!!! cant wait to install the tv and ps3. hurhurhur. woooooooooo!!!! gotta go back to ikea to get more furniture,imma rid all the old stuff!!! would love to get a new wardrobe cos mine's bursting already. bailey drives me crazy when he jumps into my cupboard cos he loves sleepin in there. and my clothes get toppled because of that. fucking crazy. this week is so fuckin busy but also damn fulfilling!!! loving it!!

:D :D :D :D

damn shag. only slept for 2 hrs plus after all the hard work. really gotta thank bellas for her help bet shes as zombiefied as me now. i only sent her home at 3+. i slept at 5 fml. wahaha. gonna get my haircut later!! woooooooo!!!

check out destroyer bailey teo's mess. i seriously need more wardrobe space argh.

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