Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 lai liao...


"Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold."

Happy New Year to all my loved ones!!!


Guitar hero and Sgoon Gardens Countdown party tonight with my beloved family!!!


Thursday, December 30, 2010


i was on the phone with "Eve"(at first i thought she pronounced her name as "Yeast") yday. I ordered a longevity peach cake from her for my popo's bday and had to give her my delivery/credit card details.

*pukes blood*

Eve: "Ok, so your full name is?"

Me: "Elise, E,L,I,S,E, Teo."

Eve: "Ok, so its E,L,I,S,E Chew."

Me: "No, Its Teo."

Eve: "Elise Chew right? E,L,I,S,E,C,H,E,W."

Me: "NO, NOT CHEW ITS TEO. T,E,O TEO not C,H,E,W (this girl either got hearing problem or i cant pronounce my own surname right)"

Eve: Ohh okok sorry ah..

Me: No problem just deliver it to the function table named under Sally Koh........

Eve: Can can i will send an invoice to you later on.

Me: Thanks, byebye!

*back to shit loads of office work*

I went home after work and forgot to check my email for the invoice.
Guess what i saw this morning.


tulan not....i ask you lah.... tulan not.......

buay tahan leiiiiiiiiii............

my surname Chew nevermind, the last one still spell as ELSIE. SMLJ. Why these people lidat ah?

*Starts dialing*

Me: "Hello Eve, Im Elise i ordered cake from u yday B0072 is my cake, my name on your invoice is wrong. My surname is Teo, not Chew."

Eve: "Oh Hello, You're Elise Chew ah."

*really testing me*

Me: "NOOOOOOOO I AM TEOOOOOOOOOOOOO. TTTTTTTTTTTTTT,EEEEEEEEEE,OOOOOOOOOOO. Can you please change the name on your invoice so your guy wont be asking for the wrong person."

Eve: "Oh... I think i put your sister's surname..... @#*$@)@#$*)@*#4 (Dunno what gibberish she was mumbling to herself)"


Eve: "Oh, okay i will change for u. T,E,O is it?"

Me: "YES THANKS! TEO!Er, What sister were u talking about??(Seriously cant be bothered to tell her bout "Elsie" at all already)"

Eve: "Oh... No lah... Ok i will change and email you again."


*slaps forehead*

Wednesday, December 29, 2010




礼拜天庆祝婆婆的八十大寿,plan 到头痛!



Tuesday, December 28, 2010


was taking a nap during lunch and i suddenly felt so breathless! geez! i woke up gasping for air. horrorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... i wasnt even dreaming la...

i googled and found this

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea affects the way you breathe when you’re sleeping. In untreated sleep apnea, breathing is briefly interrupted or becomes very shallow during sleep. These breathing pauses typically last between 10 to 20 seconds and can occur up to hundreds of times a night.

Untreated sleep apnea prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. When breathing is paused, you’re jolted out of your natural sleep rhythm. As a consequence, you spend more time in light sleep and less time in the deep, restorative sleep you need to be energetic, mentally sharp, and productive the next day.

This chronic sleep deprivation results in daytime sleepiness, slow reflexes, poor concentration, and an increased risk of accidents. Sleep apnea can also lead to serious health problems over time, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and weight gain. But with treatment, you can control the symptoms, get your sleep back on track, and start enjoying what it’s like to be refreshed and alert every day.

i seriously hope im not suffering from this. damn, i remember having panic attacks in the middle of the night. not a good sign. BOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO....... gonna find out during my next trip to SGH. :((((((((((((((

whats the story morning glory?

i have no fucking idea what this is. poor baby bailey! :(

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Xmas Eve

I went on a yacht for a christmas party! 100 bucks per pax,kind of ex but it was awesome. The food was good, the games were really fun(all thanks to jordan aka the Game Master), and i got to know alot of new funny people. My mouth cramped from laughing too much.


Chilling at the front of the yacht. It was really nice. Weather was perfect.

Thank you for inviting me bellas :)

Shu Mei and Deidrea - one is trance siao another one's a dota pro oh yeaa

I was squatting on captain's seat "posing" and someone tried to copy me.



If only we could sail out!

LANCER LI.His dance moves were fucking funny...

THIS GIRL HAD NO MAKE UP ON. SO CHIO still complain shes ugly without make up. WHERE GOT UGLY?!?!Is chio one lor..

huge ass turkey

huge ass ham

The coolest BBQ pit ive ever seen. Check out the chefs at work. There were huge bbq prawns, stingrays, chicken wings, otahs, hotdogs, crabmeat sticks, satays, sushi/sashimi platter and alot more!

The yacht has three levels. This is the basement. There are four rooms and the place looks really grand! I loved the living room that has nice sofas and furry pillows.

Loser team drinks... the concoction was... everything.... they were really nice cos they knew i couldnt drink so they spared me from it! Bel fell so sick after drinking that god knows who did sick mixture of dunno what. Also dunno wtf im talking about. I only know it was really really nasty.

Gift exchange


Xmas Day

I think my cat loves christmas more than me. Damn kpo just wanna be calefare hang around my stuff while i was wrapping presents for my cousins. damn cute la.

Buffet at my aunt's place

My aunts, mommy and joanna :)

ah ma!

and all my lovely cousins!

Watched Narnia with my cuzzies and sis after the party! Woooooooooo BEN BARNES WAS IN NARNIA 3 AND I DIDNT KNOW. *saliva drips* I dont really care bout the storyline la i know it sucked more than the first and second but BEN BARNES IN IT?HAHAHA I THINK THIS NARNIA'S NICE LEHHHHH.


PRESSIES!!!! :))))
Why are you always hanging around my presents dear boy? LOL. Yes youre momma's best gift!
Presents from my office's gift exchange, from jordan's friends' gift exchange, from my colleague, my mommy,my aunt, bellas and jordan, shawn, my cousins(joanna especially), and finally, Moose - Thank you very much for the HUGE xmas cum bday present. love it love it love it.

Oh yea, and papa moose got a pressie for bailey too. thank you! see! he knows thats his. thats why sit behind guai guai wait for me to unwrap only.

Playing with his new "Panic Mouse". He was trying to catch the ball WHILE IN THE BUBBLE WRAP. Siao Mao.

Ooo and its Foxy's bday today. If you're reading this... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you've enjoyed the dinner and hope you like the present!

Anyways....XMAS ISNT OVER YET(Its 12 days of christmas right?)....

So my son and i want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYBARDY!!!!

I know im fucking lame. Haa... At home very bored la.

Another vid of bailey. I guess he got tired already....

I seriously think he's gonna spoil the toy real soon.

I really wasnt anticipating this year's christmas. Not emo or anything but i really wasnt in any festive mood or feel excited bout buying presents and stuff. Maybe cos i was so busy at work and everything was in such a rush. But anyhoo, this christmas really turned out unexpectedly nice. :) Im really grateful for everything.

Merry Christmas Again Everyone. <3<3<3<3<3

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Bailey does everything except kneading on me and bringing me dead animals (actually cos theres nth for him to catch in my room) LOL. This is so cute!!!

I ❤ Takashimaya's paperbag


Hey! These words look familiar! Feels so personalized. LOL.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

read and eat

The reason why i cant stop binging at work. Walaus.


The good thing bout being in the marketing dept is that you get to receive alot of free magazines. Pets, Catalog, Women's Weekly, Destin Asia and a few more have also been sending me their mags monthly for the past 3 years! Ive got a mountain of em stacked up around my area. Appetite and Epicure's really really nice! I salivate everytime i flip through the pages. The photography and all..walau..make the food look all damn nice can.

Appetite's package is always exceptionally heavy cos they always have complimentary recipe books and stuff like that!

Recipes and Restaurant guides for 2011! woooots!

Sad man, no more free mags for me when i quit!


I miss my pinky and brain :(

These rats are so sweet! I wonder if Bailey'd have been able to live with our albino rats. Hurhur...

Anyways, hes got his bestfriend Mousey. So cute together.


Monday, December 20, 2010

can i go now

i feel like muah chee.

my eyelids are seriously two tonnes heavy and my whole body is damn nua. and my chest feels damn stuffy. eeyers.

cant wait to sleep through 2 hrs of mani pedi later.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

bored at 6am


check my son out at 1:05. fucking cute lah!!!

i know. im fucking irritating the shit outta him. he tried to bite me many times but i didnt care lol until he finally turned around and slapped me.

i dont normally irritate him like that, he still bites me anyway. so yea..

his irritated/stoned face is damn cute. hahahaha. dont care, im gonna irritate him again.

Friday, December 17, 2010

FML X infinity and beyond

ive got two pokka elderflower tea bottles on my office desk.

one's my drink, the other's an ashtray that me and my colleague's been using whenever we take a fag at the stairway.

guess what i did.

chiu cheng X 20394802938402983402340234209384


I unscrewed the cap happily and poured the contents into my fucking mouth.

shun shun li li. a few stubs landed on my tongue.



KAN KAN KAN KAN KAN FUCKING FAIL!!!!!@(*)!@*#)!@*$)!*@$

SONG BOH~~~~~~~~~~


right bottle's contents.















im gagging every few minutes now because i just cant seem to get the ashtray smell off my face. or my hair. i dont know. i only know i spat it all out on the floor the moment i tasted it. i think i accidentally spat it on my hair too. i ran to the toilet like a crazy motherfucker, gargled for god knows how long and stuffed myself with alot alot of sweets but the smell still stays!!!!! FML LA SRSLY FML FML FML FML!!!!!


the most "FAIL" day of the year.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

going home to mama

Scallop + Silverfish + Wolfberry Porridge topped with loads of fried shallots.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I feel so much better now.


today's a bad day

tsk tsk.
no good.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


so... i finally got a bit of sleep after daylight. just A BIT. there were drilling and smashing and god knows what other noise that came from my neighbour's house. SO FUCKING EARLY!~!!!!!SINCE LIKE WHAT? 8+????? OMIGOD!!!!! IM GOING NUTS!!!!! Ive been tossing and turning for hours again and now i have to be up and ready to meet my insurance agent friend. FML!!!!!! what a day to rest well and recover man. wah sian. sibeis sian. i feel like a zombie now. super seh and super lack of sleep and my nose is still dripping. ARGH!


took my meds and by 3+ i thought i was pretty groggy already so i tried to sleep. WELL HELLO 6.30am. fuck the flu meds. my heart was racing for 3 hours. omg this is fuckin driving me nuts. im having flu + fever+ insomnia really FML X 2983498723049820394820348.


Just took my valium and now im trying to get myself sleepy all over again.

wah sibei stress i wanna cry.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lao sai doesnt scare me



My throat's hurting like a bitch, im feeling so feverish that im actually sweating in my air con room. BUT IM STILL CRAVING FOR THESE.

MELLBEN'S 咸蛋螃蟹!!!!!!!!!!!

and their 螃蟹米粉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont care. Imma find a kaki to go eat these crab dishes with me this week.

Hello Monday You Suck.


Met up with my darling cuzzie to get my dad's birthday present at jun's shop. Shopped around town a lil, met up with kai for literally only a few secs just to pass him a farewell cum xmas gift cos hes gonna be going to india for 3 months... all for a good cause! He's got everything packed up and leaving alone to go there and make new indian slum friends and teach slum kids english! So cool! Other than that hes going Goa for their huge ass parties as well. Shiokness. My night ended at princep playing Dota with the pros. Haha. Ive never ever thought i'd play games in a LAN shop. But seriously I find it fun!!

Trying to get a cab in town on friday night's a fuckin biatch! We waited for almost an hour at forum to get a cab to princep but to no avail and ended up having shawn and jordan to pick us. And after we got there, my poor cuzzie had to wait for almost an hour again to catch a cab back home. Im so sorry!! Bloody stupid cabs were all on call and even when we tried to call for cabs they kept cutting us off. GRRRR.

Check out ION's christmas tree. So fucking huge and pretty!

We could even go inside. It was kind of dizzy looking up to those glittering hanging balls and stars. But damn nice lah.


Woke up at 5, cos apparently i only slept around 7, oh well but it was still damn shiok to have slept so many hours. Was just in time to get up and wash up to go for daddy's birthday dinner at SWATOW. It was one hell of a meal. My sis finally got to eat her chilli crab. Wow so happy right. My whole family went home with churning stomachs FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT after that. I lao-ed once, but that was it. My stomach kept churning but nothing came out. My sis and i met up with Joanna for K session at vivo after the dinner. Can you imagine the both of us rushing to the toilet during KTV just to lao sai. Heng i did it before we started. LOL. Then bel and jordan joined us after their friend's wedding dinner. And walas, they both had diarrhea too. LOL. What a diarrhetic Saturday!

Happy Birthday Daddy!


Had brunch with the girls!! More like "Lunner" I'd say.Lunch+Dinner=Lunner. We went all the way to esplanade for all-day breakfast at 3pm just to find out that they only serve finger food between 2-5pm. FUCKED. So we moved on to find a place that sells all-day breakfast, and Ting suggested Dempsey. We walked around a little and finally found a cafe that served breakfast, and by the time we sat down and eat it was almost 5pm. -_-". It was more of a Lunch/Dinner thing already. I had poached eggs with smoked salmon and english muffins! yumyumyum!!! Ive never had poached eggs before and its really really good! We went home straight after cos Ting and Grace had to go for dinner with family. lol, like right after our full meals.

I was actually sick the moment i woke up, had flu and fever and a really bad throat. Not sure if it was caused by food poisoning from sat night. By the time i got home after "Lunner" i already took TWO decolgens. Made me so seh.... I instantly dropped dead on the sofa after i got home. Then Bel called and asked for Dota, hahahah i woke up and went with them despite feeling like shit. My nose was running like a tap and the LAN shop was so bloody cold. K.O.-ed damn fast after i came back from the game.


My body's aching. My head's throbbing. Im still feeling feverish and my throat still hurts like a bitch. My tummy's on off churning and im waiting to lao anytime. Went opposite to get a queue number to see the company doctor. My queue number: 31. Current number: 6. FML. I wasnt gonna sit there for two hours just to see the doc thats why im back in the office. By the time the queue reaches my number its lunch time already. Sibei sians X 10000000. K lah, halfday's better than nothing. I wanna go home. But everyone's rushing me for my report. Fuck lah. Suppose to meet my insurance friend for dinner and to pass me some documents in town but i doubt i can meet him today. Boo. Plans ruined.


Friday, December 10, 2010


5am by the beach. Feet in soft sand. Cool sea breeze. Sleeping peacocks. Dancing stars and clouds and palm trees accompanied by trance music.



Kitty Hunt

Was online the whole time looking for local breeders who're selling ragdolls. I fell in love with a few but they were all sold already by the time i contacted the breeders. SADDDD. There were a few that i fell in love with instantly when i saw their pictures even though they arent ragdolls.

Look at this one!!!!! Theyve got a batch of 5 kittens to be adopted, local breed... don look like right?!?!?!?!Where got local breed so fluffy one!!! And they're pure white!! aiyoooooooo



BUT FUCK MAN!!!! I WAS SO SO SO SO KEEN ON ADOPTING ONE OF EM!!!!!! So i emailed TWICE to the breeder and even sent him an SMS telling him i want one of his kittens. The adoption fee was only hundred bucks!!

Then i got his fucked up reply:

"We've sterilised and plan to give the parents to other buyers and my children can't bare to part with our kittens so we've decided to keep them."

SIMI LAN JIAO????? U wan to dump the parents because your children like the kittens better cos they're new borns and more adorable?? HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT!!!! fucking sad!!! So youre gonna dump them when they grow up too? WTF LAH WTF WTF WTF I WANT LAHHHHHHHHHHHH. NO MORE ALREADY LAHHHH.

OK, white fluffy kitty's out. So I saw another ad. This lady was selling pure bred BENGALS!!!!! Not a scammer for sure cos she replied my sms. BUT BUT BUT, the best price she could give me was 1.3K. I dont have this much money with me now :( But aint this kitty a sweetheart. omg la, i seriously want to own it lah. sian.


Little Tigger's out too :(

I was on many forums and looking for cats to adopt/buy. Im still thinking whether i should spend so much buying a cat or just adopt one. Adopting is the better option for sure... but geez... the pure breeds are all soooooooooooooooo pretty!!!! Then again i wanna give abandoned kitties a good home too. ARGH. im so confused now.

Right now im waiting for this kitty's fosterer to reply my numerous emails and phonecalls and smses. I dont know why he/she's taking so long!!!! Just look at her. omg lah, see already just want to sayang. Its a stray and i seriously want to keep her. Bet bailey'd fall in love with her man shes so cute!!!!


Just look at her face. Immediately just wanna name her Cupcake or something. LOL.

Faster reply!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to get my hands on her. Haha, that sounded abit wrong. But aiyoooooooooooo i want to sayang want to sayang!!!

:((((( Bailey needs a sister.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

i miss wonderland


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Only Girl

ooooooo the colors....... ❤

I dont find Rihanna very sexy but im liking this video alot! So nice lah, i want those fireworks, the tree that has glowing dresses and i wanna be on that swing! ohhhhh and those beautiful beautiful flowersssss on pink grass......... :)))))))

Monday, December 6, 2010

my pills are getting useless


confirm K.O. on my desk during lunch later. LOL.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sheena's Day

My virgin experience at a malay wedding.

Yes, its void deck buffet style, free seating. And there were erm, a few mats la but i think she's got more chinese friends? She hangs out with chinese all the time during our lasalle days anyway. The decos were really pretty, especially the tent where the couple sat in most of the time. Super dreamy super nice.

Received her invitation a couple of weeks back. Bet she designed this herself. I remember she loves Bird of Paradise. That explains her theme. Everything was red and green, and all the tables had vases filled with her favourite flower.


Sheena's always the quirky sporty funny girl in school. She's really fun to be with and super dong dong hee. Like energizer bunny. Just look at her face. Dont know what she was doing. And look at HER GOWN. I thought malays were suppose to wear conservative baju kurongs or something for their weddings. Should have expected this because we all know she loved nice dresses and dolling herself up. Am sure it wasnt easy for her conservative relatives to accept this. oh well, who cares, she looked AWESOME. So fucking gorgeous. And just look at the tent. Walau, furry carpets all. Damn nice can!


When we got there we heard her favourite love songs playing. But eh....nope... her songs werent played, PEOPLE WERE SINGING LIVE THROUGH THE MICROPHONES. Mother fucking amazing!!! We all thought it came from a CD or something!!! No kidding!!!

For the buffet,me and Foxy didnt really eat. LOL. Im a pescetarian and Fox doesnt eat spicy food. HA. Beef redang, chicken bryani, blah blah blah, we all gave them a miss. Fox ended up eating PLAIN RICE WITH FISH(the only non spicy dish). THATS ALL. Two pathetic dishes cos she couldnt even take curry. The bryani rice was good.I skipped the chicken only took the flavoured rice. Fish was okay, and i ate some prawns. thats it. LOL. Everyone was complimenting the beef or chicken or mutton all damn nice. MEHHHHH. Too bad. We filled our stomachs with chocolate cakes after that. lol.

Oh ya, and before i went for this wedding i tried to find out information on what to do and what to wear. No rules actually, dont too sexy can liao. No bantang colors that i cannot wear or anything like that. I asked my malay colleague bout giving ang baos. Dont have to be green color, chinese can give our usual red packets. Void deck weddings bao $10 can already, if you arent that close to that friend. WTF. TEN BUCKS? And if its in a hotel $30 will do. Close friend $50. wahahahha. Anyways me and Fox ended up sharing a $50 ang bao for her lah. And i forgot to take a picture of my ang bao. Steady one okay. I went to my ah ma and asked her for empty red packets. She came out and handed me one which shocked me. Croc skin textured, embossed with a GOLD PRADA LOGO. WTF? I have no fuckin idea where my ah ma got her prada ang baos. Like seriously. MY AH MA? PRADA? wahahahahhaha. She doesnt even know what Prada is lah. Someone must have given it to her. The ang bao looks expensive wor don siao siao. LOL.

HELLO FOXY. Havent been hanging out with her for god knows how long. I really miss the good old Lasalle times when she and Ration will always turn up at my place unexpectedly to wake me up and shoo me off my bed just to do homework. LOL.

This is Too, my ex classmate, and he's getting hitched this month!!! Gonna be inviting us to his wedding banquet next year. CANT WAIT!!! he's getting married.CONGRATS!!!!!


Cupcake gift from the wedding! Hello you...the one behind... u better not steal...

Friday i watched Rapunzel with my darling michelle. ITS A MUST WATCH! omgg lah i teared during the movie! The only other cartoon that i cried for was Land Before Time. But Rapunzel!!! Ok lar, i think i tend to get a lil emotional these days watching "fairytales". Lol, but I loved every part of it. Im never a fan of cartoons but Rapunzel's really really nice. Its funny and so sweet. And the characters are so cute! Next up is NARNIA. CANNOT MISS.

My weekend is over. :( SHO SAD. BYEBYE SUNDAY. Gonna have dinner w family then start working on my freelance stuff. Am feeling really blessed these days! My colleague's giving me lobangs just when im like so fucking broke. YAY.

I loveeeee having dinner at home. Cant wait to see what new creative dishes my mom has whipped up for us! weehee!