Saturday, January 8, 2011

what is love?

disgusted and disappointed. but not surprised. most people become more mature as they grow older. but some are reversed. i hope all my girlfriends will never meet guys who disrespect women like that; teach their friends how to treat women like objects, have extreme high self esteems and think that the whole world's gaga over them because they're cool and mighty and have that bit of stinking money and stinking fame. not cool for me. im sorry but i lose respect for people like that. its kinda off. i wouldnt say i hate them; hate is too strong a word, i'll only use them on u-know-whos. because other than being disrespectful to women they could be a good son or friend. i have less respect for them, not hate. if the guy's not even a good son or friend, or even worse- torture animals, like seriously, he's the worst a person can be. gee, i think i already know one.

well, some people can choose to be edison chen (most of them are not as cute of course); they think theyre so damn hot and they can get any/all the girls they want, or, be tony leung; mother fucking rich and famous, not as good looking, but so successful that if he had wanted to be like edison chen he could do it ten times worse, but he is so respected and loved by everyone cos he went through thick and thin with his then gf(now wife), even after she got raped and everything. twenty years hes never left her and was her pillar, and because of his unconditional love she recovered and became a stronger person. this kind of man is every girl's dream. money and fame couldve tempted him in all ways to leave his girlfriend because twenty years is a fucking long time and i believe being in this industry there are so many girls who'd wanna get fucked by him, but he chose to give his world to that one and only love. i know very well that most girls choose to be skeptical about a guy's commitment (cos theyve been betrayed and hurt before), but i believe as long as theres ONE guy like that there could be MANY more out there. and there are really couples who stick to each other through thick and thin till death do them part. you read from news, you get to know them through your grandparents, your parents, your friends' grandparents, bottomline is they do exist!! its so sweet seeing old couples holding hands, makes me want to cry.

i believe when two persons give their hearts completely to each other, and is contented to wake up to see that person and smile from their hearts for the rest of their lives every morning, no matter what shit comes along they know they have each other to cling on for support and would keep trying to find solutions together to resolve everything. nothing is perfect. but when theres faith and love, everything gradually works out on its own. couples fight and hurt each other unintentionally everyday, but if you really love your partner, u'd keep wanting to be a better person for him/her. but also we have to understand that no one can be perfect. we just got to keep appreciating that person's efforts of trying to be perfect.

yes, i may sound like a hopeless romantic or u may think ive watched/read too many romantic movies(like rapunzel lol) and novels. but seriously some of the scripts or contents of a book come from true life experiences. they are not entirely fairytales. i may be hurt and betrayed many times but that doesnt really stop me from believing in my "fairytales". i'll just have to wait for the right person (who also believes in "fairytale-like love") to come along. if i dont ever, then too bad, im not that lucky. but i'd think im already lucky enough(right now) to be TRULY LOVED by some friends and of course my family. meeting your true love is a "plus", not a "need" i feel. i'll be the luckiest girl alive if he ever comes along.

i am farrrrrr from perfect for a guy, but if the right guy comes along i believe he'll be tolerant with my flaws and seeing his tolerance will definitely make me change and want to be a better person for him. everything takes two hands to clap. just dont ever give up on what you believe in. i actually have faith in a few people that i know. not trying to put my hopes up high, but everyone makes mistakes; some people learn from them and they choose to never ever repeat their mistakes. some will just stick to their edison chen kind of mindset and move on to hurt another girl who believes in commitment. for this kind of a lover, drama never ends. oh well. all of us have different perceptions of love, we just have to find a partner who has the same perception, then he/she's definitely the right one for you.

expect less and you'll gain more. expect less and you'll be rewarded with more surprises in life. this's what ive learnt so far. just hope i wont ever meet an edison chen in tony leung's disguise. its just scary. but you can never predict the kind of people who may enter your life. then again life is all about risks. and so is love. u invest in something, theres no guarantee that you'll gain anything from it. but if you dont ever invest in anything, you'll never know if youve actually missed out the best deal in life.

be true to yourself. be honest with who you are.

some people are happy with their edison chen lives, good for them... commitment just isnt the thing for them then, find someone who behaves the same, and if you realized shes the committed type, please leave her for god's sake unless you decide you want to be a tony leung(which youve got to stick to it,and no more turning back to edison chen). otherwise drama liao liao. anyways, after all that ive learnt about edison, although i still think hes cute but i really think hes one hell of a disgusting scumbag. some men think hes the coolest dude, i lose respect for them because of that. some men think hes a douchebag, yes lah, i like that kind of respect these men have for girls, seriously.

i hope all my girls are happy with their boyfriends now. the girls i know are mostly good girls and i'd wish the ones they're with now are the right ones for them. again, i wont put my hopes up too high too soon, i just hope that everyone'll do their part in trying to be the best. cheating is common, but i'll forever stand by my belief. i wont ever lie about my feelings, i wont ever cheat of someone's love, steal someone's heart and crush it with lies and betrayals. or even do it just to take revenge. nononono. i dont ever want to feel guilty for things like that. it is something that we'll have to carry into our graves. not very nice. seriously cant live with that. but some people can. i dont know how but they just can. oh well. good luck everyone. life still goes on no matter what happens. may god bless all the faithful lovers and help change all the unfaithful ones who wants to be changed. k lah, bless those who never want to change too but are good sons and friends to other people, hope they dont get STDs.

ok, i know ive typed ALOT and no one's gonna read everything. i am very loh soh. bottom line (again) is, i just wish everyone around me to be happy. those who deserve to be happy i really want and wish them to be happy. i know i havent really been that happy myself lately for the past year but i know i can and i will and im actually quite happy now! not a 100% because life can never be perfect but right now its erm, 70? still an A2. :)


Unknown said...

babe, ure strong! and i do believe that one day you'll find your prince charming :):)

btw i did finish reading the entire entry! haha. <3

llizzieputian said...

thanks haha. im 70/100 happy but 80/100 angry now. oh well. at least its angry, not SAD. wahahha.