Wednesday, December 1, 2010


in one month's time. can you believe it.

2010 has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. my emotions were so all over the place till a point i didnt even know who ive become and what i want. my life was so focused on/affected by that one very thing. ive made mistakes. and ive learnt from them. im just glad that all this while i have my friends, family, and not forgetting bailey(though he hasnt helped me much emotionally but at least he keeps me company :) with me. 2010 has been rough, but id say its still pretty fruitful! i went to bangkok, bali, taiwan and phuket. bali was the best.of course. and i attended my first ever concert this year, then i went for more and more..ALOT i would a-mei/jam hsiao/elva/karen mok/adam lambert/missy elliot/sammi. all superb singers. loved it. oh well. im just so glad. so so so glad that ive got out of depression. im not sure if it was depression but all i know is 90% of the time i was depressed about something. could be anything. cos every single fucking thing affected me. didnt mean to be drama but ya. BUT BUT hey, im out of it.

2010 good memories - keep and smile at them when i look back.
2010 bad memories - fucking get over them.learn from them if i can.
2010 - a blessing in disguise. a year that has made me learn so so so much. it made me lose weight too HAHAHA.


new year cum birthday resolutions....

- be more accepting and tolerant

- be more positive. I CAN DO IT!!!!

- be less judgemental (does not apply to motherfuckers like you know who lol)

- less is more. so expect less.


- be less serious

- be more spontaneous

- spend more time with my family(which im already doing)

- mellow down my temper (i seriously seriously seriously need to work on this)

- change my job, although im so much more cheerful coming to work these days

- finish up the books i bought in 2010(think ive more than ten!!shites!)

- visit japan. i wanna see sakuras. :)

- chop off my hair

- get a new iphone

- be more appreciative. must appreciate all the little things in life from now on.

- get bailey a new sister. not sure how im gonna handle the nagging from my mom and
grandma though..that'll be 2011's "SOLUTIONS"!

- embrace hurt n be a stronger person. for myself and mom. i get hurt easily cos im ultra sensitive but i gotta learn and embrace it. suck it in! nothing's THAT BAD enough to kill me.

- embrace loneliness and have more ME time. i need to work on this cos i know im fucking needy.

- be less stubborn.

- gain more self confidence. lets start with the face yea. cant wait to rid all my pimples weeee! next are my dark eye circles. breasts i dunno liao. bel's been askin me to go for breast enhancement. that siao char boh says she needs breast enhancement!!! want to slap her not?? body and face so perfect can complain. like that i go and long bia already

- learn from the mistakes i made in my past relationships. if i ever find someone new, ive got to know how to love and treat that person right. be less demanding, less unreasonable,blah blah. i am not perfect but i will try my very best to be. that is IF i meet the right guy. hiak. oh well. just sayin. no rush. though im feeling a little old.

- be happy be happy be happy be happy

- i may be adding more stuffs to my list. we'll see!


2011 Elise's gonna be stronger, better and so much happier!!!!!
no jiao weis this time.



Unknown said...

HEEHEEHEE I literally smiled while reading your entry!!! I knew you can do it. I knew you will get over it. I knew you were stronger than that!! So happy for you! ❤ ❤ (:

llizzieputian said...

thanks babe...all i needed was time....your ears are spared now wahahhaa.

Unknown said...

I laugh while reading this entry. So much fun and I learned from it. Thanks.

Seminyak Bali Villas